DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5635396
Jader Luis da Silveira
Professor and Biologist. Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Alfenas – UNIFAL-MG. Executive MBA in Health and Specialist in Clinical Analysis and Microbiology from Candido Mendes University – UCAM. Email:
School management plays
an extremely important role in any educational institution. The objective of
this work is to identify the main challenges for the exercise of school
management in a participatory and democratic way. Research was carried out on
the main aspects involved in the exercise of educational management. It was
concluded that, together with the school community, the manager is responsible
for the good progress of the school, being under his care the administrative
and pedagogical part, among the various problems that occur in daily life.
Keywords: School management. Participatory. Democratic.