Claudelino Martins Dias Junior
Professor at the Department of Administration
Sciences (CAD), at the Postgraduate Program in Administration and Post Design
at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Rodrigo Speckhahn Soares da Silva
Technician in Education at the Federal
Institute of Joinville and Doctoral Student at the Postgraduate Program in
Administration at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Ricardo Neihues Buss
Professor at the Department of Administration
Sciences (CAD) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Socioeconomic vulnerability is growing as a result of a process of
global concentration of income, which is currently aggravated by the global
pandemic. Economies that are already fragile like Latin American countries need
a proposal solution to the suppression elementary of vulnerable populations.
Through more effective social benefit distribution programs adapted to the new
reality can be defines the best characteristics of vulnerability of these
populations. In this way, the study presents a scale for assessing levels of
socioeconomic vulnerability of family groups already registered with CadÚnico
(Database Families), this database being the main reference for the
distribution of benefits by the federal government, states and municipalities
in Brazil. The methodology used was the IRT (Item Response Theory), whose
assumptions suggest a qualitative and quantitative approach based on the
response patterns obtained from the beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program,
adapting them to the items suggested by the methodology itself. The results
indicate that the socioeconomic vulnerability levels defined with the created
scale make it possible to estimate, proportionally and within a regional
perspective, family groups served or not by the same Program between the years
2012 and 2018.
Keywords: Vulnerability; Social Policies ; Unique Cad ; Item Response Theory.