Gil Derlan Silva Almeida
Doctoral student and Master in Letters - Literary Studies, by the Postgraduate Program in Letters (PPGeL) of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI); Specialist in Portuguese and English Languages and Graduated in Portuguese/English Languages from the State University of Maranhão (UEMA); Professor EBTT- Portuguese/English Languages at the Federal Institute of Maranhão (IFMA)- Campus Bacabal; Email:
Abstract : This article aims to discuss the memorialistic element
and its consequences for the understanding of the plot of Memory of my sad
whores (2006), by the Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez. The work, while
discussing issues about the heart of human existence, such as the crisis of
identity and place in the world that the character brings with him, uses the
memory artifact to summarize the events that marked the life of this
protagonist and influence his current way of acting. As a methodology, a
qualitative research is used, with a bibliographic approach, to analyze social
types and their relationships. As a theoretical support, we used the dialogues
raised by Halbwacks (2006); Lopes (2014); Ricoeur (2010) among other theorists
who articulate the discussion of memory and literature. We can see that it is
in the love for the prostitute Delgadina that the old man rediscovers himself
in life and in the present, but it is also in the past that part of the plot
really becomes clear to the reader, whether due to family traumas or the
monotonous years that follow him, reinforcing the importance of structuring the
work around the character's self-memory, but adding to that the variant of the
forgetting, another point in memory discussions that is fundamental for a more
precise interpretation of this corpus.
Keywords : Gabriel Garcia Marquez. memory. Forgetfulness.