Rita Mychelly
dos Santos Salles
Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master's in Arts at the Arts Center of the
Federal University of Espírito Santo - UFES. Teacher of the Private Education
Network of the State of Espírito Santo. Lattes:
http://lattes.cnpq.br/5099469795286805.E-mail: ritamychelly@yahoo.com.br.
Ana Rita Cesar
Graduated in Art and Master in Arts at the Arts Center of the Federal
University of Espírito Santo - UFES. Teacher at the State Education Network of
the State of Espírito Santo. Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/7290358656070206.
Dr. Sergio
Rodrigues de Souza
Degree in Philosophy. Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences (UCPEJV - La Habana
- CU). Post-Doctor in Psychology (UAJFK - Buenos Aires - AR). Email:
This article reflects on
the inter-artistic perspective on plasticity in the collective Constelações, by
Hilal Sami Hilal with the participation of young students from public schools
from the state education of Vitória in ES, exhibited in 2016, in the cultural
space of Palácio Anchieta - Headquarters of the State Government. To this end,
the comparative image becomes the foundation of research, evidencing different
points of view in relation to gestural, calligraphic and memory aspects in the
creative process, approaching the relationship between matter and memory from
the reflections of Henri Bergson. The interartistic studies of the work
Constellações dialogue with aspects taken by subjective ideas, however, the
metalinguistic character is intertwined with experiences and reconstructions
through affective relationships, which are linked to the construction of
identity, the evocation of personal or collective memory, which they translate
and materialize in the expression of imagery. After some tests of the handmade
paper recipe, improved techniques and poetic maturation, the experiments gave
way to productions full of meanings, weaving plastic, aesthetic questions and
philosophical reflections related to matter and memory. The manufacturing
process took place in schools, crowded with affective memories. The main
proposal of the Constellations project was to make possible
artistic-pedagogical experiences
Keywords: Interartistic; plasticity; Hilal Sami Hilal; Time, matter and memory.