Liliane Rodrigues de Araújo
Master in
Education. Pedagogue at the State Department of Education of Espírito Santo –
SEDU (ES). Email:
Raquel Rodrigues Teles
Graduated in
Languages-Portuguese (UFES). Portuguese Language and Writing and Expression
Teacher at Rede Alternativo de Ensino - Serra (ES). Email:
Sérgio Rodrigues de Souza
Postdoctoral in Psychology. Athena Educational Institute. Scientific
consultant. Email:
This work addresses a theme
that aims to analyze the subjective preconception how it enters into the teaching
of cultures, of African origin characteristics. It is a bibliographic, factual,
analytical investigation, which seeks to synthesize the values of a culture
based on Eurocentrism and which, as a rule, seeks to deny a whole culture that
does not fit into this idealized profile. Its general objective is to analyze
the weight of cultural education that forms a type of citizen full of
preconceptions, without being able to realize that it is, and a teacher who
does so, without the awareness that he does so, because it denies students
access to such topics, denying them a broader study on the cultural aspect and
the influence on the formation of the specific Brazilian culture. This research
chose dialectical materialism as its directional research method, considering
that it is the best way to analyze, discuss and thus understand the internal
and external causes of the object. The conclusions reached are that there is a
need for deeper training of teachers in human areas, especially graduates in
Pedagogy, because these professionals occupy 50% of the entire academic life of
the students of the Basic education.
Keywords: African matrix culture. Pedagogical praxis. Subjective preconception.