Liliane Rodrigues
de Araújo
in Education. Pedagogue at the State Department of Education of Espírito Santo
– SEDU (ES).
Raquel Rodrigues
in Languages-Portuguese (UFES). Portuguese Language and Writing and Expression
Teacher at Rede Alternativo de Ensino - Serra (ES)
Sergio Rodrigues in souza
Postdoctoral in Psychology. Athena Educational Institute. Scientific consultant.
This article addresses the applicability of Law 10.639/03 in student
learning about African history and culture. Its scientific relevance lies in
expanding research around teaching on this topic, which has become mandatory in
the Brazilian educational network. Its objective is to carry out an analysis of
Law 10.639/2003 and what can be achieved through teaching praxis. It is a
bibliographical research. The obstacle to teaching African history and culture is
the philosophical, sociological, phenomenological, epistemological and
empirical unpreparedness of those who teach the contents, which leads, as a
consequence, to distorted learning about the target object of systematic
studies. Education should face the teaching of Africanity in schools as
culture; not as a favor or something you are obligated to fulfill on the
calendar. Slavery should cease to be inherent in the waste of humanity, as no
one is a slave; people were, and still are, in many cases, enslaved. The term
slave naturalizes the condition of people having the pessimistic, pejorative
and prejudiced idea that, unfortunately, was being built during the history of
mankind. The teaching of Afro culture in most schools is still related to
slavery and suffering, having the impression that history has not evolved in
conquests and achievements, positive contributions to the social construction
of the nation. The stories told in most schools are mostly research related to
the aspect of suffering, pain or, in a way, without the slightest preparation
to discuss religions of African origin, passing, with this, aspects of
Keywords: Afro-Brazilian culture; Federal Law n. 10,639/03; Education.