Walison Oliveira Santos
Master in Letters/Literary Studies
at the State University of Montes Claros, in which he develops the research
entitled “The invisible visibility of the visible: the look in A vida que não
vem, by Eliane Brum”, under the guidance of Prof. doctor Elcio Lucas de
Oliveira. Graduated in Journalism (UniFunorte). Graduated in Letters -
Portuguese (Uniube). Postgraduate in Marketing and Business Communication from
Faculdade Serra Geral (FSG), in Brazilian Literature (UniAlphaville), in
Inclusive Education from Faculdade de São Vicente (FSV) and in Higher Education
Teaching from Faculdade Iguaçu (FI). E-mail:
Yanne Maira Silva
Master's student in
Letters/Literary Studies at the State University of Montes Claros, in which she
develops the research entitled “The representation of black people in
children's writing by Lúcia Miguel Pereira”, under the guidance of Profª. Dr.
Edwirgens Aparecida Ribeiro Lopes de Almeida. Graduated in Letters - Portuguese
(Unimontes). Graduated in Pedagogy (Uninter). Graduating in Letters - English
(UniFaveni). Email: yanneletras@gmail.com.
This intends researches to reflect on the fictional
construction of the character Pi-wii, the female protagonist of the book
entitled Pi-wii (2022), written by
Cyntia Pinheiro. The book tells the story of five Cambodian children,
motherless and whose parent is a cruel and violent man, capable of carrying out
atrocities, torture and abuse (psychological and sexual) against his five
children. Pi-wii is a child who had to assume the responsibilities of being a
woman early and from a very young age began to experience extreme poverty and
violence to which she was subjected by her parent. From the analysis of the
constitution of the character's trajectory, we seek to relate the construction
of her fictional character with the social conditions of women in the 21st
century, as well as the similarities to so many others in third world
countries. Therefore, the methodology used to carry out this research is
embodied in the literature review, supported by the Feminist Critical Theory.
We also resort to the studies of Duarte (1997), Xavier (1996), Coelho (1993),
Schmidt (2012), Candido (2011), among others. Based on the critical reading and
the analyzes carried out, we perceive in Cyntia Pinheiro textual universe that
the reader does not leave intact, since his horizon of expectations, when
incorporated into the horizon offered by the novel, provides new perspectives
on the literature of contemporary female authorship, of the female body, of
resistance to patriarchal systems and violent and human rights environments.
Keywords: Literature by female authorship. Character. Pi-wii. Cynthia Pinheiro.