Sérgio Rodrigues de Souza
Political Scientist.
This essay deals
with an expensive and complex subject that tries to maintain an aura of secrecy
about it, given its ambitious scope. The subject is the idea of transforming
Latin America into a single bloc under the socialist regime, on the model of
the former Soviet Union. The problem comes up against the question of which
country would assume the central command of this group, highlighting that the
one with the greatest economic power is little more organized than a German
dump and the one with the greatest intellectual capacity does not have
management conditions because of its condition. miserable. It is an essay drawn
from empirical knowledge about socialism and its inevitable ills that do not
take long to appear, as soon as the regime is implemented over the nation.
Where the socialist regime was implemented, what was seen was chaos taking care
of everything and everyone, in which for a short period one experiences a state
of euphoria and excessive spending, believing that everything will last
forever. Che Guevara's big dream was to create the Union of Socialist Republics
of Latin America (URSAL). However, before uniting them under this role, it was
necessary to turn the democratic republics into socialist republics, whether
through a military coup or through local revolutions; the means used to achieve
the desideratum did not matter; in the end, the ends would justify the means.
URSAL's desire is to create a private backyard, from which they can extract
their personal interests. The formation of an integrated society in Latin
America is an old dream that was tried by brute force, by the bullet and by
convincing the public that only the left cares about the people, not just the
poor anymore, because they discovered, over the years that, without money, it
is impossible to make any revolution. To everyone's happiness, all attempts to carry
out such an undertaking ended up failing, vehemently.
Keywords: Latin America. URSAL. Socialism. Consequences of Socialism.