Eduardo Sales de Lima
in theology from EST faculties, doctoral student in religious sciences from
FUV, professor at Unicesumar and UniCV. Email:
We are currently witnessing the organization of
postcolonial ideals in different epistemological perspectives. Coloniality, the
main problem, is a reality that affects both the colonized and the colonizers.
Classical reading and interpretation mechanisms were, and still are, hostages
to the epistemes of colonial domination. And, alongside these documents,
biblical reading plays an active role in colonial and decolonial relations.
Theologians, mainly from Africa and India, have identified the Bible as an
instrument of colonial domination. In view of this, our objective is to propose
a biblical reinterpretation based on Paul and his writings, observing the
post-colonial proposal, articulating concepts from Darcy Ribeiro and Glória
Anzáldua. To do this, we will situate the elements of post-colonial thinking
and the forms of comparison and identification for this reinterpretation. Next,
we will take a look at the texts that relate to Paulo's biography, seeking to
understand the possibility of a frontier mentality. This proposal is justified
due to the need for a critical look that integrates elements of the
post-colonial episteme with the classical interpretation. It is also justified
due to the role of religion in the configuration of society and its
relationships. It is expected to identify possible decolonial relationships in
Paul's actions and writings, identifying him as a frontier theologian. As a
methodology, a comparative analysis will be carried out based on Paulo's
biographies, relating the data to post-colonial narratives. It will be a
reading based on applied and exploratory bibliographical research. Data processing
will be qualitative.
Keywords : Post-colonial; Paul; Border.