Suiane Costa Alves
student in Education at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Member of the
Research Group Center for International Studies in Education (CEIE) at
Unisinos. Professor of Chemistry Teaching Methodology UFC/UAB and the
Department of Education of the State of Ceará. Email:
Marian Pereira da Costa
Master in
Computing Applied to Educational Informatics at the State University of Ceará
(UECE). Technician from the Regional Education Development Coordination (CREDE
1). Email:;
Ana Geovanda Mourão Rezende
Master in
Management and Evaluation of Public Education from the Federal University of
Juiz de Fora. Coordinator of the Regional Education Development Coordination
Currently, we are being invited to reflect on education in
its multiple aspects and, in this regard, the continued training of teachers
seeks to promote methodological didacticization and educational practices, leading
to the most varied perspectives of expanding learning and intellectual
production frameworks. That said,
this work discusses Continuing Teacher Training, culminating in the
presentation of the training
project for teachers in the area of Natural Sciences.
Keywords: Continuing Teacher Training; Natural Sciences; Project-Based Learning.