Cristiane Rocha Magalhães
PhD student in Public Health at the Institute of
Social Medicine at UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Nurse Technologist at the National Cancer
Institute, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Marcela Dutra da Silva
Master in Nursing from the State University of
Rio de Janeiro, UERJ, Brazil.
Nurse Technologist at the National Cancer
Institute, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Demands for materials emerge from the “Health Sector”, which can impact
diagnosis, disease progression, lack of treatment and even loss of life. In the
search for an effective tool for qualified purchasing, reducing risks, the
proposal for pre-qualification of hospital products emerged. This is a
descriptive study on the implementation of new routines and work processes for
the evaluation and acquisition of medical-hospital articles at INCA. A
quantitative survey of cases that passed through CEAT between 2019 and 2021 was
carried out. The number of cases processed decreases over the periods, leaving
a total of 5,409 cases in the first year to 2,142 in the second year of the
evaluated period. The time taken to complete the material purchase processes
was reduced from 89 to 14 days in the period. Meanwhile, the brand
prequalification processes decreased from 90 to 22 days. Facts that corroborate
the effectiveness of the service performed by CEAT during this composition.
These results reflect the contribution of professionals who dedicated themselves
to the non-interruption of care and maintenance of quality patient care.
Keywords: Prequalification, medical-hospital articles, processes.