Mônica Nadja Silva d'Almeida Caniçali
Master's student in Education Sciences at the
University del Salvador (USAL), Buenos Aires (AR). Specialist in Brazilian
Literature from Faculdades Integradas de Jacarepaguá (FIJ, 2005). Graduated in
Literature: Portuguese-Spanish from the Faculty of Human Sciences of Aracruz
(FACHA, 2003). Professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences of Aracruz (FACHA).
Spanish Language Teacher at Wizard Brasil (Aracruz Unit - ES). Works as an
Educational Technician with the Special Educational Technology Advisory Team of
the State Department of Education of Espírito Santo (SEDU).
Sérgio Rodrigues de Souza
Pedagogue and Philosopher. Scientific Consultant.
This work has as its
theme 'the teaching place as an epistemological foundation of pedagogical
praxis in the ERA TIC' and brings as a problem the difficulty that teachers
face in working using information and communication technologies, nowadays
because they do not have a methodological tool that gives them adequate support
for the development of their didactic-pedagogical activities in the classrooms.
The general objective of this work is to propose the elaboration of a guiding
principle of methodological activity in which education professionals can
explore, as much as possible, the intellectual and cognitive potential of their
students through ICT tools. This text is relevant for the educational sciences
and for the pedagogical sciences due to the relevance to the development of a
new academic mentality of producing teaching and learning, in which new
elements are added to the reality of the teacher and the student. As a research
methodology, the factual, exploratory, analytical and descriptive bibliographic
search was used, considering that through such a method it would be possible to
achieve the presented objectives, which was successfully achieved. The main
concepts that guide the text are Teaching Place and ICT Era. The proposal with
this text is to present a concept for the term Teaching Place, created by the
authors of this work in order to provide a scientific, exploratory,
pedagogical, didactic and methodological direction for studies involving
Information and Communication Technologies. As a branch of science chosen to
support our idea, we chose Epistemology as it represents a category of
Philosophy that aims to study the origin, structure, methods and validity of
knowledge. Society has become more complex every day, given the scientific and
epistemological advances that arise, without having an adequate tool for the
didactic management of everything that is posted, without any validation. This
is also because individuals and schools do not know how to do such a thing.
Therefore, we propose the Teaching Place, as an Epistemological Didactic Space,
a facilitator that makes it possible to make the connection between Prhónesis
and Episteme. In the ICT Era, every school must assume a formal didactic
character, in addition to its students, because it is not enough to have
knowledge and know what to do with it or where to apply it, it is necessary to
be able to make them generate new scientific knowledge, in a deliberative
self-didactic process, in addition to the necessary capacity to share knowledge
for the success of any pedagogical enterprise of the 21st century.
Keywords: Teaching Place. It was ICT. Didactics . Methodology .