Maria Nazaré Ribon Silva
Graduated in Portuguese Literature. Master in
Education from the IPLAC Institute - Cuba. Specialist in Portuguese Language
Teaching Methodology and School Management. Psychopedagogue. Specialized
Educational Service Teacher - AEE.
CV Lattes:
Sérgio Rodrigues de Souza
Pedagogue. Master in Education. Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences. Post-Doctorate in Psychology. Email:
This article addresses the importance of the act of playing and in an
attempt to make some surveys and foundations to understand its importance for
the integral development of Man. Its scientific relevance lies in the fact that
it proposes a debate to re-signify the concept of play beyond what is known,
that is, to understand it as an active methodology and not as simple
entertainment. Its social relevance lies in presenting to parents and teachers,
responsible for the formation of the new generations, the act of playing as an
active methodology of paramount importance for the cognitive and
socio-emotional development of the individual, as it allows the awakening of
the child's interest and willingness to participate in the entire
teaching-learning process. It promotes learning. For this, it was used
bibliographic research and deductive, inductive, analytical and synthetic
Keywords: Cognitive development. Intelligence. Play, Toys and Inventiveness and technology. Play as an active methodology.